Why It Is Important to Remain Silent After Being Arrested

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Have you ever heard someone say, "He looks guilty"? Have you ever thought about what that statement implies? That they know what someone has done despite there being no evidence of that act? Obviously, it is impossible to read minds and know that someone is guilty just by how they look, and yet this underlines a serious flaw in how we naturally tend to judge people on first glance. And how we are always looking for someone to blame when something bad happens, even when they have done nothing wrong.

After you have been arrested for suspicion of a criminal violation, if the police want to ask you any questions, they first need to remind you of your right to remain silent. This is so you don't accidentally say something that makes you "look guilty".

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The Burden of Proof is Not Yours

From the moment you are arrested, or even the moment a police officer walks up to you, they are looking for evidence of wrongdoing wherever they can get it. This is because the prosecution needs something to go on if they want to convict you. It is the burden of the state to prove that a crime was committed; it is not the burden of the defendant to prove that one was not.

One of the fastest and surest ways to get a conviction is to get a confession, or something that sounds like one, out of the suspect. The police can say whatever they want to you, even flat-out lies, and will do so if it loosens your lips. You, on the other hand, only have two options: tell the truth, or say nothing at all.

Imagine the scenario that you actually did commit the crime for which you were arrested. Do you tell them the truth and throw out your chances of getting a reduced sentence or your case dismissed on technicalities? Or do you lie to the police and risk being charged for obstruction of justice? Now, imagine the scenario where you have been arrested despite abiding by all laws. Do you tell the truth and try to talk your way out of suspicion, taking the big risk of making yourself appear guilty?

In any situation, your best option is the choice of silence. Every word you choose not to say can sometimes be more influential than the ones you do.

If you have questions about your rights after an arrest, or if you know you need help from a Houston criminal defense attorney now, you can call (713) 364-9913 to connect with Guy L. Womack & Associates, P.C. Client rights and priorities always come first at their law firm, and they never back down from a fight, so schedule your free case evaluation with them today.
